Bhavana Pandey, Actor

My association with Yasmin has been for as long as I have been working out. I started my fitness journey with her at the age of twenty-three when I got married. When I was pregnant with Ananya, Yasmin was also pregnant with her firstborn, and I would follow whatever she did. I worked out with her during both my pregnancies up to the ninth month, despite prevailing misconceptions at the time that one shouldn’t work out during pregnancy. I think that doing so kept me very active and helped me lose my baby weight quickly and in a healthy manner. Since then, I have been working out with her intermittently. She pushes me to exercise as I am a very lazy person. I also get bored easily and to counter that, she creates workouts that are different every time, and that is what has made me last with her. She never gives up on me. Anyone else would have

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